Lista de Discussão Mensagem #8
De: Vladimir Volovich <>
Remetente: <>
Assunto: Re: *complete* WLCY
Data: 18 Dec 1999 14:20:21 +0300
Para: <>
Dear Laurent,

i've put today a tarball with WLCY virtual fonts and files for LaTeX
(from the cyrillic bundle): ot2enc.def and ot2*.fd (in particular,
ot2wlcyr.fd, ot2wlcyss.fd), to

these fonts are without << >> ligatures (as in original WLCY fonts);
guillemets are accessible via < > and \guillemotleft, \guillemotright.
should these ligatures be added? will AMS agree to do this change?

please test this and then we could ask AMS to add them to official

usage is simple:

this is a test: {\cyr proba pera}

Best regards, -- Vladimir.

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