Lista de Discussão Mensagem #9
De: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Assunto: Re: *complete* WLCY etc
Data: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 03:35:13 +0100
Para: <>, <>, <>

Dear Vladimir,

 > and one more question: should one also remove the ligature
 > N 0 => numero it seems to be kind of absurd too (provided
 > that [[ and ]] are absurd :)

Yes do remove.

I have not checked whether <numero> kerns with things to its left.
Those kerns would become inaccessible (and be replaced by those
for N). More importantly, the setting of serial numbers that mix
numbers and letters would become treacherous.

     Thanks for the complete alpha WLCY posting; I encourage
others to try them too.  You might announce your alpha postings on
the tex-fonts list since it is in the west that WN/WL are most used.

     With no change in kern/ligs the AMS has given consent in


              Larry S


PS. on errors and omissions:

 LS> I am in favor, and wish the [<< >> ligs]  were in
 LS> EC for French.

 VV> they are available in EC!

Indeed. And that shows that I do not yet really use
EC.  To have type 1, I must use the virtual AE T1
fonts for French literary stuff and T0 for English.
My Mac platform has lousy bitmap rasterization. AE
has no guillemets so far.  If pushed, I import them
using active < and > , which is a time tested
standard way with T0 albeit somewhat "fragile".

As for the "mistakes" in my friend Malyshev's "t2"
encoding, I understand they are not mistakes at all,
but a conscious  effort to serve almost everyone
with the few Type1 fonts we have today. (And T2 is
no standard, just T2A, T2B, T2C ;=)

With his t2:
   a) Russian and Ukranian users can conform to T2A
   b) Russian users conform to CP1251

Your standard input macros work for Russian and
Ukranian, although they may give nonsense beyond.

If one uses T2A encoded "la" fonts in TeX, then
one can convert to good vectorial PS and PDF output
involving these type 1 fonts --- by trivial substitutions
using ".map" files.

(Maybe I am a bit optimistic here and
different "t2" metrics are needed for
really good typography.  Has anyone tested?)

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