Lista de Discussão Mensagem #7
De: Vladimir Volovich <>
Assunto: Re: *complete* WLCY
Data: 17 Dec 1999 11:09:54 +0300
Para: <>
Dear Laurent,

"LS" == Laurent Siebenmann writes:

 LS> Do remove the absurd ligatures [[ and ]]!

 LS> As for adding ligatures << and >>, I would do this if and only if
 LS> you provide such ligatures in all related fonts including the T2x
 LS> fonts.

yes. all other cyrillic encodings have these ligatures: T2*, X2, LCY.

Will AMS agree to have << and >> ligatured added to WLCY fonts?

 LS> The argument for all these ligatures seems parallel to that for
 LS> `` and '' in Knuth fonts.  I am in favor, and wish they were in
 LS> EC for French.

they are available in EC! just \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, and there
will be ligatures << and >> for guillemets.

and one more question: should one also remove the ligature
N 0 => numero
it seems to be kind of absurd too (provided that [[ and ]] are absurd :)

Best regards, -- Vladimir.
Revolution, n.:
In politics, an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.
-- Ambrose Bierce
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