Postituslista Sanoma #90
Lähettäjä: Vladimir Volovich <>
Lähettäjä: <>
Aihe: Re: Ukrainian-to-Latin transliteration **
Päiväys: 01 Nov 2000 16:47:24 +0300
Vastaanottaja: Cyrillic TeX Users Group <>
"LS" == Laurent Siebenmann writes:

 LS> There are huge quantities of transliterated *Russian* literature
 LS> on the web along with the the Cyrillic version; see
 LS> .

note that the collection on the above URL is transliterated on the fly
by web server, and is not stored in a transliterated form. original
texts are stores in 8-bit cyrillic encoding (to avoid mixing with
latin letters).


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