Postituslista Sanoma #86
Lähettäjä: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Aihe: Re: ASCII-Cyrillic Ukrainian style
Päiväys: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 05:49:16 +0200
Vastaanottaja: <>, <>

Greetings Maksym Polyakov, and others

You wrote

 > cyrillic letters were damaged in your message
 > despite my mail system know how treat cyrillics

Yes, I was afraid they would be. That is of course one
"raison d'^etre" for  email-ru.tex.  Unfortunately
email-ru.tex is not (yet?) ideal for presenting its own
documentation -- in which a modicum of Cyrillic characters
should appear.

 > Probably I was wrong about Byelorussian,
 > I know that in most cases \cyrg prononced like in
 > Ukrainian, I do not know wether hard g exists.

Could anyone on the list clarify this?  I have never
seen \CYRGUP designated as Byelorussian and the ordered
listing of the Byelorussian alphabet has not yet come
to my attention.

Question: I have seen in Ukrainian cp1251 8-bit text
the use of ASCII i for \cyrii even though \cyrii
in present in the cp1251 encoding.  The only explanation
for this I can imagine is that these were typed
using cp866 or KOI8alt which do not have \cyrii.
What other explanations could there be?


              Laurent Siebenmann

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