Lista de Discussão Mensagem #5
De: Vladimir Volovich <>
Remetente: <>
Assunto: Re: *complete* WLCY
Data: 16 Dec 1999 13:26:43 +0300
Para: Cyrillic TeX Users Group <>
Dear Laurent,

"LS" == Laurent Siebenmann writes:

 LS> Incidentally, the AMS openly invites others to complete and
 LS> support the WLCY variant of the AMs WNCY fonts.  It would be
 LS> ideal if your group would do this since this list is well placed
 LS> to debug and criticize them, if that proves necessary.  The full
 LS> WLCY is a smaller job than the one you have just done for the WN
 LS> fonts!

moreover, making fonts with the help of a small script makes the job
of creating missing WLCY fonts very simple. :) so it could be done.

i have one question. WLCY fonts remove all ligatures but the following:

'      ' => '' (quoteright quoteright -> quotedblright)
-      - => endash
endash - => emdash

In WNCY fonts, there exists also the following non-letter ligatures:

[ [ => guillemotleft
] ] => guillemotright

(guillemets in WNCY fonts are also accessible via characters < and >
without ligatures; in other cyrillic font encodings, guillemets are
accessible via ligatures << and >>).

The question is: what one should do with guillemets in WLCY (and WL)

* do not provide ligatures (as currently in WLCY), so the guillemets
  are accessible only via characters < and > (and commands
  \guillemotleft, \guillemotright)

* do not remove ligatures [[ and ]]

* remove ligatures [[ and ]], but add ligatures << and >> (so
  guillemets will be accessible both as < > and << >>).


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