Lista de Discussão Mensagem #4
De: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Assunto: *complete* WLCY
Data: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 04:38:42 +0100
Para: <>, <>

Dear Vladimir,

 Incidentally, the AMS openly invites others to complete
and support the WLCY variant of the AMs WNCY fonts.  It
would be ideal if your group would do this since this list
is well placed to debug and criticize them, if that proves
necessary.  The full WLCY is a smaller job than the one
you have just done for the WN fonts!

Let me note a neat simplification that applies to sites at
which Tom Rokicki's postscript "font map" mechanism is
used.  There it is unnecessary to install the ".vf" files.
For example, to serve wlcyr10, it suffices to install
wlcyr10.tfm and add a font map:

   wlcyr10   wlcyr10  <wncyr10.pfb

A quite general but less widely available trick is to
replace wlcyr10 by wncyr10 (for example) in the DVI files
using a simple utility (unfortunately not available
everywhere). Then the DVI file is legal and portable
worldwide, since the WNCY fonts are ubiquitous.


           Larry Siebenmann

PS.  A still simpler trick is to replace one's own WNCY
tfm fonts using copies of the WLCY tfm fonts having
checksums changed to be those of WNCY.  The resulting DVIs
are perfectly OK and perfectly portable as Dmitry Vulis
already observed in the 1980s. Unfortunately this is a
dirty trick NOT to be done on a public installation! (Well
you can do it privately on a public unix system: add your
private tfm directory to your private tfm search path.)

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