?: Plamen Tanovski <pgt@tanovski.de>
??: Accented Cyrillic Vocals in Unicode
??: Tue, 17 May 2011 22:02:56 +0200
?: <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>

The problem is, that there are no accented cyrillic vocals in unicode
except for i and e with grave. Perhaps I don't need to mention, that
accented vocals are urgently needed for homonymes and in textbooks.
So, I think, accented vocals should finally go into unicode. But I was
told, that unicode doesn't provide slots for letters anymore, which
can be made by the combination of other letters. But using combinig
diacritics in word processors is a big pain. In TeX putting accent is
much easier, but it looks not always good, and the hyphenation doesn't
work anymore. The T2* encodings don't have accented vocals as well, so I
think we also need such encoding in TeX.

So, is that true, that accented cyr. vocals cannot be taken in unicode
and how do you think about making a proposal to the unicode

best regards

Plamen Tanovski

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