:: =====================================================================::
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:: 12th Polish TeX Users Conference ::
:: BachoTeX 2004 ::
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:: April 30 - May 3, 2004, Bachotek ::
:: (Brodnica Lake District, Poland) ::
:: =====================================================================::
The upcoming annual meeting of the Polish Tex Users Group GUST will be held
traditionally at the Nicolaus Copernicus University
(http://www.uni.torun.pl/en) Bachotek lake resort.
TeX users from all around the world are invited to join and contribute.
The languages of the meeting are Polish and English.
The Web page of the meeting is at:
Besides presentations around the TeX system and its applications the
conference will deal with typography, fonts and electronic publishing
This year's conference is focused on managing of structured documents.
Following topics are going to be presented:
electronic publishing standards (XML and derived standards);
aplication of the XML standard to publishing (DocBook, TEI and similar);
tools used for processing of structured documents;
matadata (the RDF and XML Topic Maps -- XTM -- standards).
As every year there will be regular presentations as well as tutorials.
Presentations may consists of regular papers, announcements of new
fonts, sets of macros, tools, etc., studies based on professional
practice and other.
Conference materials will be handed out at the meeting.
For non-Polish speakers an informal crash course of the Polish
language will be held for the first time. Simultaneus peer-to-peer
support during presentations given in Polish will be organized at request.
And remember that there is an added bonus: the EU will come to
Bachotek after you as Poland joins the EU on the 1st of May!
The programme
-- UNICODE 4.0 - basic notion and terminology (in Polish) - Janusz Bieñ
-- PDF and TeX: keeping up appearances - Hans Hagen
-- Using TeX for typesetting documents coded in XML
Part 1: Typesetting XML with CONTEXT - Pawe³ Jackowski, Jacek
Kmiecik, Hans Hagen
-- Part 2: From XML to PDF, an example - Hans Hagen
-- PdfTeX in the Workflow for Conference Proceedings - Volker Shaa
-- Around the Gutenberg Bible from the Pelplin monastery (in Polish) - Andrzej Tomaszewski
-- Do-it-yourself OpenType font (in Polish) - Adam Twardoch
-- Cocoon - an XML based publishig environment (in Polish) - Szymon Zio³o
-- Scisors, glue and XML - an introduction to Passepartout and the
xml2ps mechanism (in Polish) - Wojciech Birula
-- LaTeX-to-XML conversion with tex4ht and XSLT (in Polish) - W³odzimierz
Bzyl, Tomasz Przechlewski
-- XSLT - a pleasant, function based and functional document processing
(in Polish) - Micha³ Gajda
-- Why are they doing it in XML? (in Polish) - Micha³ Gajda
-- Demonstrating MlBibTeX - Jean-Michel Hufflen
-- Emacs, Haskell and TeX cooperating on the old church-slavonic dictionary
(in Polish) - Ryszard Kubiak
-- Designing Math Fonts - Johannes Kuester
-- The new embodiment of Antykwa Toruñska (in Polish) - Janusz Nowacki
-- A Polished TeX Story (in Polish) - Andrzej Odyniec
-- From metadata to knowledge maps (in Polish) - Mariusz Olko
-- Changes in the TeX Directory Standard and new distributions (in Polish)
- Stanis³aw Wawrykiewicz
-- Bibulus - a Perl/XML replacement for BibTeX - Thomas Widmann
The full version of the contributions is due on April 5, 2004. Even if
the submission is not a regular paper, we invite the prospective
authors to have a written contribution to be included in the materials, just
to immortalize their participation.
It is planned that the conference proceedings will be published as
a special issue of the GUST bulletin.
Please send written submissions before April 5, 2004
to Program Committee: bachotex@gust.org.pl
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:: Prices ::
:: ====================================================================== ::
The conference fee______________________________ 90 EUR
Special fee for members of TeX users groups_____ 70 EUR
Students fee____________________________________ 45 EUR
Students - TUG/LUG/GUST members_________________ 35 EUR
Honorary Members________________________________ 20 EUR
Fee includes registration and conference materials for regular
Registration fee for accompanying persons:
- adult_________________________________________ 15 EUR
- children (over 7 years)_______________________ 7 EUR
Accomodation and full board (dinner, breakfast and lunch) is at 18 EUR
per day.
The above prices apply to registration and payment done before March 31,
2004. For payments after March 31st and before April 15th please add
10 EUR (students - 5 EUR) and for late payment (after April 16) please
add 20 EUR (students - 10 EUR), respectively.
The deadline for registration is April 15th, 2004.
The participants are expected on April 29th (Thursday, afternoon).
It is possible to extend the stay in Bachotek to May 3 (Monday).
For more information, please contact the GUST secretary,
Jola Szelatynska
Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne UMK,
Pl. Rapackiego 1, 87-100 Torun, POLAND
phone: +48 (56) 611-27-41
e-mail: secretary@gust.org.pl
:: ====================================================================== ::
:: Application form ::
::---------------------------------------------------------------------- ::
Full name _________________________________________ Sex: ____
Association (if any) ___________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Country ________ email ______________________ phone __________________
I need a signed invoice before payment can be made ______
I am a vegetarian |_| I have other dietary needs _______________________
I have no special dietary needs |_|
I would like to share a room with ______________________________________
Accompaing persons: adult _____ children ______
Vegetarian |_| other dietary needs _____________________________________
No special dietary needs |_|
T-shirt size: _____________
Comments or questions: _________________________________________________
Please send the registration form before April 15, 2004 to the
Jola Szelatynska, Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne UMK,
Pl. Rapackiego 1, 87-100 Torun, POLAND (email: secretary@gust.org.pl).
The payment should be made in EUR to:
BIG Bank Gdanski, Oddzial Millenium w Toruniu,
Polska Grupa Uzytkownikow Systemu TeX GUST,
account number: 91 11602202 00000000 55304977,
Sorry, no cheques, no credit cards.
:: ====================================================================== ::
Jolanta Szelatynska
Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne
Uniwersytet Miko³aja Kopernika
Pl. Rapackiego 1, 87-100 Toruñ
tel. (0-56) 611-27-41
faks (0-56) 622-18-50