Dear Russian Wintel users,
Metafont depends on cubic spline curves, which involve
polynomials introduced in 1913 by Sergej Natanovi'c
Bernwtejn in a Xarkov journal.
I have just managed to get from A. 'Cernavskij in
Moskow a MSWord copy of this 2-page article.
Unfortunately, it appears to be 98% unreadable in
the West, since an 'eastern' version of MSWord was
involved (but, the article was written in French!).
I would be most grateful if one of you could translate
to open *convertable* formats such as ASCII text, GIF,
PNG, TIFF, TeX. I hope the bitmapped parts will be
extracted as is -- in a "lossless" format.
Then I will post the best results for the TeX-metafont
community using durable and open format(s).
I have posted the MSWord binary files in
a temporary 'anonymous' directory:
Beware: This ftp is probably inccessible to both
Netscape and IE. Try NCSATelnet or Fetch or lynx
(More exactly, it is accessible to anything that
uses ftp PORT access and not PASV.)
Laurent Siebenmann
> Reception: chernav@iitp.ru Thu Dec 6 21:59:52 2001
> Message-ID: <001901c17e98$dae2a5e0$d94a13c3@pop3>
> Reply-To: "'a..'O"E'E" <chernav@iitp.ru>
> From: "'a..'O"E'E" <chernav@iitp.ru>
> To: "Siebenmann Laurent Carl" <lcs@daphne.math.polytechnique.fr>
> Subject: Bernstein
> Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:55:37 +0300
> Organization: 'e'e 'a^i
> J'envois la copie de la note de Bernstein en deux formes et
> trois messages. la forme premi`ere est scann'ee comme
> texte (mais quelque formules compliqu'ees comme les
> figures) et la forme seconde comme deux figures (une pour
> une page). J'envois chaque figure s'epar'ement puisque les
> messages trop grands pour la gorge de mon ligne de
> t'el'ephone vont avec la probabilit'e trop petite.
> ...
> A.