Lista de Discussão Mensagem #17
De: Vladimir Volovich <>
Assunto: Re: Malyshev's t2 fonts
Data: 24 Dec 1999 11:20:02 +0300
Para: <>
Dear Laurent,

"LS" == Laurent Siebenmann writes:

 LS> As for the "mistakes" in my friend Malyshev's "t2" encoding, I
 LS> understand they are not mistakes at all, but a conscious effort
 LS> to serve almost everyone with the few Type1 fonts we have
 LS> today. (And T2 is no standard, just T2A, T2B, T2C ;=)

i wrote:

 VV> i will check the latest t2r10 etc virtual fonts in BaKoMa
 VV> distribution, and will report if there are still such
 VV> incompatibilities.

Okay; i've made a check of "t2" fonts. I've installed BaKoMa TeX
distribution v2.20, and generated a font table for "t2r10" using "tex
testfont". I did the same for "c1r10" (a font from c1fonts bundle) and
for "larm1000", and compared the results. Here is a non-full list of
errors which are present in "t2r10":

Slot      correct glyph (T2A encoding)   used glyph ("t2r10" font)
0x0d      CYRILLIC LETTER PALOCHKA       comma
0x0e      LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET    guilsinglleft
0x0f      RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET   guilsinglright
0x12      CYRILLIC CIRCUMFLEX            quotedblbase
0x13      DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT            guillemotleft
0x14      CYRILLIC BREVE                 guillemotright
0x22      QUOTATION MARK (quotedbl)      quotedblright
0x80/0xA0 GHE WITH UPTURN                empty (should be at least GHE)
0x89/0xA9 KA WITH DESCENDER              BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I (like latin I)
0x8F/0xAF DZE                            empty (should be latin S)
0x98/0xB8 CHE WITH DESCENDER             YO
0xAB      KA WITH VERTICAL STROKE        guillemotleft
0xBB      NJE                            guillemotright

A few other empty slots could be filled with generated glyphs (by
combining them with accents or descenders). Some of them are important
for e.g. byelorussian language.

yes, there are 3 pairs of guillemets, and two pairs of YO
in the "t2" fonts! :-)

 LS> With his t2: a) Russian and Ukranian users can conform to T2A b)
 LS> Russian users conform to CP1251

even ukrainian users could not conform to T2A, because there is
neither the GHE WITH UPTURN, nor a substitute for it (in the slot for
GHE WITH UPTURN): GHE, in Basil's t2 fonts. not speaking about
byelorussian users, who also could not conform to T2A, because of
missing SHORT U (which, btw, could be easily generated in virtual font
by putting an accent over CYRU even if there is no SHORT U in the
type1 fonts).

 LS> Your standard input macros work for Russian and Ukranian,
 LS> although they may give nonsense beyond.

Laurent, could you please explain what do you mean?

 LS> If one uses T2A encoded "la" fonts in TeX, then one can convert
 LS> to good vectorial PS and PDF output involving these type 1 fonts
 LS> --- by trivial substitutions using ".map" files.

Because of the above mentioned mistakes in "t2" fonts, they could not
serve as a valid replacement for "la" fonts, because the results will
be incorrect. One could not recommend to use "t2" fonts if they will
not be corrected. Moreover, the number of these mistakes (in accents
and in letters) makes these fonts almost useless. Currently, virtual
c1fonts (*) could be used as a (more valid)
substitute for "la" fonts. We suggest Basil to include free c1fonts
into BaKoMa TeX distribution instead of "t2" fonts (we will release
soon a new version of c1fonts with more glyphs supported, and will
upload them to CTAN; then there will be full support for at least
Russian, Ukrainian, and Byelorussian languages; current version of
c1fonts supports only Russian, but there are no known errors in the
accents range, as in "t2" fonts).

Best regards, -- Vladimir.
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