Lista de Discussão Mensagem #16
De: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Assunto: Re: Malyshev's t2 fonts
Data: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 07:57:31 +0100
Para: <>, <>, <>, <>

I wrote:

 LS> Joking aside, I agree that Malyshev's use if the name t2 is
 LS> indefensible.  He should at least change the name to something
 LS> like m2.

 LS> Then the public can judge the performance of his offering on it
 LS> merits and not on his name borrowing!

Let me take back that strong word "indefensible".  It is not my
role to judge, attack, or defend, or express more than a very
personal opinion.

I reckon that the "ae" virtual fonts Lars Engebretsen
<> (for Almost European meaning perhaps "almost "ec"
for European Community) are well named in analogy with "am". The
"Almost Modern" "am" fonts of Knuth were the beta version of CM =
Computer modern. The unused name "a1 font series" for Almost T1 was
an opportunity lost!  

In spite of this prudent use of font tags the "ae" fonts are
encoded strictly as a subset of the T1 encoding used by the "ec"
fonts.  (I'm not sure Basil would be happy with the tag "a2" ;=)

         Seasons greetings to all,

                 Larry Siebenmann

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