Postituslista Sanoma #88
Lähettäjä: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Aihe: Ukrainian-to-Latin transliteration **
Päiväys: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 02:15:06 GMT
Vastaanottaja: <>, <>

Dear Colleagues,

I have been away from "email-ru.tex" for several weeks. Looking
at the Ukrainian-to-Latin transliteration posted a while back, I
see another glitch which comes from

The glitch is:

Kr'ukivka --> Krukivka

Where Ukrainian ASCII-Cyrillic is on the left and the official
transliteration on the right should be Kriukivka since it is
explained that 'u = \cyryu --> iu except at word beginnings
where it 'u --> yu.

I have more-or-less implemented the official transliteration in
"email-ru.tex". Its "context sensitive" nature makes the TeX
programming far more fussy and fragile than that for the Lib of
Congress transliteration of Russian. To check its performance,
it would be useful to have some literature presented in both
Cyrillic and in correct Ukrainian-to-Latin transliteration.

Question can anyone provide an URL for that? There are huge
quantities of transliterated *Russian* literature on the web
along with the the Cyrillic version; see .
What about Ukrainian?


Laurent Siebenmann

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