??? #71 ?????? ?????? CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru
??????: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@topo.math.u-psud.fr>
???????: re: email-ru.tex
????: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 08:30:40 +0200
?????: <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>, <lcs@topo.math.u-psud.fr>

PS to Vladimir:  I am still hoping you will report on
emacs facitities for typing Russian text with just an
ASCII keyboard. Did I misunderstand your earlier post?

PS to all:  

In Valery Alexeev's russian.el there is


This rule presumably attempts to restore the original
Russian text from the libcon 7-bit transcription. Could
someone tell us how well it works; is it perfect on
literary text, on proper names, ... ??  The
ASCII-Cyrillic converter pretends to restore
100% any 8-bit text at all.
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