??? #63 ?????? ?????? CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru
??????: Laurent Siebenmann <lcs@topo.math.u-psud.fr>
???????: wlcy* virtual fonts
????: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 15:18:43 +0200
?????: <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>, <bnb@ams.org>, <vvv@vvv.vsu.ru>

Dear Vladimir,

 > BTW, Laurent, some time ago you said that you will try to
 > ask AMS to include the wlcy virtual fonts (available at
 > ftp.vsu.ru/pub/tex) in their fonts officially (instead of
 > less complete wlcy fonts available at CTAN). How about
 > this?

The wlcy* virtual fonts are the wncy* fonts with the
troublesome tho useful ligatures simply removed.

I am unreservedly in favor of the AMS accepting your
support for the wlcy* fonts.  That seems an ideal
arrangement.  I failed to promote this to Barbara while she
was preoccupied with the math additions to unicode.
My sincere apologies.

There was the question whether << and >> should be
ligatures, and a couple of others.  That is an issue
Barbara may now have an opinion on.

              Best wishes,

                        Laurent S.

To: <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru> (Cyrillic TeX Users Group)
Subject: Re: *complete* WLCY etc
From: Vladimir Volovich <vvv@vvv.vsu.ru>
Date: 19 Dec 1999 12:26:55 +0300

"LS" == Laurent Siebenmann writes:

 LS> You might announce your alpha postings on the tex-fonts list
 LS> since it is in the west that WN/WL are most used.

maybe you can do this announce better, because you can explain the
importance of WLCY fonts to west people better than i. :)

 LS> With no change in kern/ligs the AMS has given consent in
 LS> advance!

that would be nice.

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