Lista de Discussão Mensagem #52
De: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Assunto: Re: input encoding question
Data: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 08:15:30 +0100 (WET DST)
Para: <>, <>

Petr Ovchenkov <ptr@ParaGraph.Ru> writes:

 > Well, Linux soft mainly use koi8, and no possibility to
 > compel any Netscape Navigator to work more-or-less adequate
 > with anything except koi8.

 > Sun Microsystems: Solaris 2.x, 7, 8 (SPARC and x86).
 > Preference of SMS is ISO 8859-5 for russian locale.

     Great! We are gradually piecing together a panorama.  Can
anyone tell whether Hewlitt Packard uses ISO 8859-5?

     The acessibility of ASCII on Russian keyboards
in English (programming) mode still worrys me. For example,
I have a USA Mac keyboard in front of me. Here are the
ASCII diacritics available without any modifier


And here are those available with Shift:



Laurent S

PS. Alexey Mahotkin <> has kindly pointed to for "https-capable" lynx for unix.

PPS.  Apologies for the double posting from me; that message took over 24
hours to get back to me. And I have not yet seen the message of
Vladimir that Petr is quoting!  Are the sunspots bothering

PPPS.  Thanks also to "Maksym Polyakov"
<> and "Anatoliy A. Malyarenko"
<> for complementary information.

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