Lista de Discussão Mensagem #50
De: Petr Ovchenkov <ptr@ParaGraph.Ru>
Assunto: ISO 8859-5
Data: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 15:37:42 +0400 (MSD)
Para: Cyrillic TeX Users Group <>
Laurent Siebenmann writes:
 > I got from internet the comment:
 > >ISO 8859-5, Soviet GOST 19768-74 follows the Soviet GOST Standard
 > >19768-74, ST SEV 358-88 for placement of the Russian alphabet.
 > >Registered with ISO on May 1, 1988, Registration No. 144.
 > Malyshev has listed DEC as using ISO 8859-5.  VMS as well as UNIX
 > I presume.   Do you know another major unix flavor that uses
 > ISO 8859-5?  

Sun Microsystems: Solaris 2.x, 7, 8 (SPARC and x86).

Preference of SMS is ISO 8859-5 for russian locale.

      - Petr

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