Lista de Discussão Mensagem #47
De: Mikhail Kolodin <>
Assunto: Re: left and right double quotes
Data: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 03:43:31 +0400
Para: Cyrillic TeX Users Group <>
Dear Laurent,

> How do you account for the presence of single Guillemets in
> cp1251?

We don't use single , ` ' < > signs at all, only double ,, `` << >>.

> How do you account for the absence of ,,text`` from all of KOI8
> and the presence of ``text''.  Culural osmosis?

In DOS:                      we use "text";
sometimes programmers use 'and' for inner text, when it is necessary to
explicitely show the nesting.
The unix programmers may use '', "", `` for shell-like specific needs in
hackerese, but these are outside of our discussion.
In Russian WinWord:     we type "text" and WinWord automatically changes
them to corresponding opening and closing double signs which are absent on
the keyboard, but exist in cp1251;
and ctrl`+", ctrl'+" do the same with English.
In TeX:                       we type <<text ,,intext`` outtext>>.

Mikhail Kolodin,,, ICQ#10895085,

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