Lista de Discussão Mensagem #28
De: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Assunto: left and right double quotes
Data: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 15:46:14 +0100 (WET DST)
Para: <>, <>

Dear Colleagues,

I am still wondering about keyboard input in Russia.

Permit me a few more questions about left and right double
quotes.  I understand that Eglish double quotes are
essentially the same in usage and glyph form as similar
Russian ones, so that the French guillemets are rare in
Russia.  Even in France guillemets are pretty well restricted
to literary works.

Is this correct?

Subsidary question.  I do not see such left and right double
quotes in the DOS cp866 series, not so far.  What did
Russians use in DOS days?  The ASCII straight double quotes?
Or??  Are so called "smartquotes mechanisms" prevalent?

In KOI8-ru double quotes are present in cyinpenc.dtx but the
*right* double quotes are commented out.  Is this a glitch?


            Larry S

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