????? #218 ?????? ???????? ???????? CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru
??: Jean-Michel Le Bot <jeanmichel.lebot@free.fr>
?????: Slavonic and LaTeX
?????: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 21:40:33 +0100
???: Cyrillic TeX Users Group <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>
I'm looking for a package to write slavonic church texts with latex.
Does anybody of you know something like that ?
I have downloaded a package "Slavtex" created by the editorial board of
Sergiev Possad monastery but it seems to be done with an old version of
latex (2.09) and I don't know how to install and use it.

NB. I use tetex under Linux.

Best regards

Jean-Michel Le Bot
Maître de conférences en sociologie
Laboratoire de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales (LARES)
Université Rennes 2 (http://www.uhb.fr)

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