????? #210 ?????? ???????? ???????? CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru
??: leif halvard silli <lhs@russisk.no>
?????: Re: Fine tuning the hypnenation file
?????: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 21:31:28 +0200
???: <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>
Maksym Polyakov <polyama@auburn.edu>
>It looks like if you will comment out line 45 (\patterns{8Βί. 8Χί. ......)in
>file ruhyphen.tex, everything will be fine. Anyway those combinationa are
>not used in contemporary Russian.

Thanks Maksym, I see. But I don't believe that will be enough to get rid of the capasity problems. Let me ask more spesificly:

>From: "leif halvard silli" <lhs@russisk.no> 03, 2002 1:22 PM
>> \ifx\Pattern\undefined
>> \def\Pattern{al}

Can any of those patterns above be removed?

>> \input catkoi
>> \input koi2\Encoding
>> \input ruhyph\Pattern

What about catkoi and koi2 above?

>> % the following four lines are optional
>> \def\t{t2a}\ifx\t\Encoding\input hypht2 \fi
>> \patterns{.OE?8 8OE?.}

And what does those two lines do
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