????? #178 ?????? ???????? ???????? CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru
??: Anatoliy A. Malyarenko <anatoliy.malyarenko@mdh.se>
?????: Re: Bernstein polynomials
?????: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:49:30 +0100
???: <sieben@cristal.math.u-psud.fr>
???? ?????? ???: (Cyrillic TeX Users Group) <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>, <lcs@beryl.math.u-psud.fr>
Dear Laurent,

Sunday, December 09, 2001, 3:47:01 PM, you wrote:

scmupf> Dear Russian Wintel users,

scmupf> Metafont depends on cubic spline curves, which involve
scmupf> polynomials introduced in 1913 by Sergej Natanovi'c
scmupf> Bernwtejn in a Xarkov journal.  

scmupf> I have just managed to get from A. 'Cernavskij in
scmupf> Moskow a MSWord copy of this 2-page article.

scmupf> Unfortunately, it appears to be 98% unreadable in
scmupf> the West, since an 'eastern' version of MSWord was
scmupf> involved (but, the article was written in French!).

scmupf> I would be most grateful if one of you could translate
scmupf> to open *convertable* formats such as ASCII text, GIF,
scmupf> PNG, TIFF, TeX.  I hope the bitmapped parts will be
scmupf> extracted as is -- in a "lossless" format.

scmupf> Then I will post the best results for the TeX-metafont
scmupf> community using durable and open format(s).

scmupf> I have posted the MSWord binary files in
scmupf> a temporary 'anonymous' directory:

scmupf>   ftp://topo.math.u-psud.fr/pub/lcs/bernstein

scmupf> Beware:  This ftp is probably inccessible to both
scmupf> Netscape and IE. Try NCSATelnet or Fetch or lynx
scmupf> (More exactly, it is accessible to anything that
scmupf> uses ftp PORT access and not PASV.)

scmupf> Cheers

scmupf> Laurent Siebenmann

scmupf> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

scmupf>  > Reception: chernav@iitp.ru  Thu Dec  6 21:59:52 2001
scmupf>  > Message-ID: <001901c17e98$dae2a5e0$d94a13c3@pop3>
scmupf>  > Reply-To: "'a..'O"E'E" <chernav@iitp.ru>
scmupf>  > From: "'a..'O"E'E" <chernav@iitp.ru>
scmupf>  > To: "Siebenmann Laurent Carl" <lcs@daphne.math.polytechnique.fr>
scmupf>  > Subject: Bernstein
scmupf>  > Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:55:37 +0300
scmupf>  > Organization: 'e'e 'a^i
scmupf>  >
scmupf>  > J'envois la copie de la note de Bernstein en deux formes et
scmupf>  > trois messages. la forme premi`ere est scann'ee comme
scmupf>  > texte (mais quelque formules compliqu'ees comme les
scmupf>  > figures) et la forme seconde comme deux figures (une pour
scmupf>  > une page). J'envois chaque figure s'epar'ement puisque les
scmupf>  > messages trop grands pour la gorge de mon ligne de
scmupf>  > t'el'ephone vont avec la probabilit'e trop petite.
scmupf>  >
scmupf>  > ...
scmupf>  >
scmupf>  > A.

Please find enclosed the paper by Bernstein in pdf format.

Best regards,
 Anatoliy                            mailto:amo@mdh.se
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