????? #173 ?????? ???????? ???????? CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru
??: Vladimir Volovich <vvv@vsu.ru>
?????: Re: Warning message
?????: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 17:09:27 +0300
???: Cyrillic TeX Users Group <CyrTeX-en@vsu.ru>
Hi Vladimir,

"V" == Vesselinov writes:

 V> I have put the option [bulgarian] for the babel package. As one
 V> should expest I get the warning:

 V> Package babel Warning: No input encoding specified for Bulgarian
 V> language

 V> What should I do to avoid the warning?

you should put the line
into the preamble (before loading babel).

Put the proper name of the input encoding instead of ... used in your
LaTeX document, e.g. cp1251 for windows Cyrillic codepage, or mik for
Bulgarian dos codepage, or cp866 for msdos Cyrillic codepage, etc.


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