Postituslista Sanoma #112
Lähettäjä: Ruprecht Freiherr von Waldenfels <>
Aihe: Re: German/Russian via Babel
Päiväys: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 22:18:02 +0100 (MET)
Vastaanottaja: <>
Dear Vladimir

I am working under Win98, so I prefer using cp1251 for Russian and cp1252
German. I don´t have an unicode editor, and so I can´t use the utf-8
encoding, as far as
I understand.
Your option number three is what I´ve tried to do. The problem seems to be
changing the encoding. I´m sending you my code, and maybe you can see what
problem is.

Thanks a lot,

> 3) you could also save your files in a mixed input encoding and switch
>    between latin-1 and e.g. koi8-r (do not forget to switch also
>    fontencoding from T1 to T2A). for this you will need to get the
>    current base LaTeX if you will need to switch input encoding within
>    the same text paragraph.

(1) First try, resulting in umlauts not appearing on dvi.:

\usepackage[russian, german]{babel}  

\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251} Âîò âàì òåñò.\\
\selectlanguage{german} \inputencoding{cp1252} Düs üst öin Täst.ßß \\


(1b) Without the Russian encoding, this works fine and gives beautiful

%\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251} Âîò âàì òåñò.\\
\selectlanguage{german} \inputencoding{cp1252} Düs üst öin Täst.ßß \\


(2) if I use fontencoding, it doesn´t get better; umlauts are ignored:
\usepackage[russian, german]{babel}  

\selectlanguage{russian}\inputencoding{cp1251} \fontencoding{T2A} Âîò âàì
\selectlanguage{german} \inputencoding{cp1252} \fontencoding{T1} Düs üst
Täst.ßß \\


But, if I have to specify encoding of font and input, what do I need Babel
for? Only for
hyphenations and such?

I realize TeX is not as easy as I thought it was. I`ve spent quite some
time trying a lot
of possibilities, but it doesn´t work. Maybe there is no way that does not
rewriting babel?

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