Postituslista Sanoma #107
Lähettäjä: Laurent Siebenmann <>
Aihe: new email-ru.tex
Päiväys: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:59:26 +0100
Vastaanottaja: <>, <>

Recall that "email-ru.tex" faithfully converts between
ASCII-Cyrillic and 8-bit Cyrillic text encodings.  It is is a
utility written in TeX but not restricted to converting TeX
typescripts; it applies to all text files and has some non-TeX
applications -- email for example, whence the name.

The new version of "email-ru.tex" fully covering Ukrainian is
almost ready.  As regards the long forms with letters like
'{gup} and non-letters like '[<<], the five most used 8-bit
Cyrillic encodings are now exhaustively covered. It also offers a
general mechanism to exploit *other* 8-bit encodings.

If you wish to alpha test the new converter just contact me


             Laurent Siebenmann

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